From Jerusalem to Jericho, this performance retraces the parable of the Good Samaritan, of the journey of a man in both physical and psychological pain, the beating of those who rob him and the indifference of those who pass...
Getsemani, in Armenian, gat semane, in the sacred texts means garden of olive trees. It is said that Jesus withdrew there after the Last Supper, before being betrayed by Judas. Tola realizes this performance in the hall of a...
Getsemani, in Armenian, gat semane, in the sacred texts means garden of olive trees. It is said that Jesus withdrew there after the Last Supper, before being betrayed by Judas. Tola realizes this performance in the hall of a...
Getsemani, in Armenian, gat semane, in the sacred texts means garden of olive trees. It is said that Jesus withdrew there after the Last Supper, before being betrayed by Judas. Tola realizes this performance in the hall of a...
Getsemani, in Armenian, gat semane, in the sacred texts means garden of olive trees. It is said that Jesus withdrew there after the Last Supper, before being betrayed by Judas. Tola realizes this performance in the hall of a...
Getsemani, in Armenian, gat semane, in the sacred texts means garden of olive trees. It is said that Jesus withdrew there after the Last Supper, before being betrayed by Judas. Tola realizes this performance in the hall of a...